4 BODY Test cut katana.
The nakago displays what looks to be an encyclopedia worth of kanji. Owned by a Kaga retainer and tested by two different testers.
Here is the translation;
rin byoh tou sya kai zin retsu zai zen
(All the soldiers are in formation)
This is called a nine-character, which was considered to have magical powers in China
加陽 侍臣 郁文堂平直忠輝
Kayou(kaga) jishin(Samurai Retainer) ikubundo Taira Naoteru(Kaga Hachi Family, Yokoyama Family’s Elder)
Kufu enpi koran hijyutu tukai dohkoku kore wo takumini osame izukunzo tsukuru
(He ruled this land (kaga) skillfully using a secret sword art called enpi koran)
大脇毛 寺西助丞
三重胴 松皮時右衛門試之
Teikyo Koushi(AD1684)
O-wakige (Cutting part)Teranishi Sukejyo(Cutter’s name)
Dohnen (Same year )
mitsu kasane dou(Cutting part)Matsukawa Tokiuemon(Cutter’s name) kore wo tamesu(Tried this)
(In 1684, Teranishi Sujejyo tried o-wakige, and in the same year Matsunami Tokiuemon tried Mitsu kasane dou)