Historically significant Kawari Zunari Kabuto with certificate - Nihonto Art
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Historically significant Kawari Zunari Kabuto with certificate

Interesting piece of history, a unusually constructed Zunari Kabuto with towering Buddhist Stupa with religious text “Namo Amitabha Buddha”. Even more so the entire inside of the kabuto is in Shumei (red lacquer) with Kao depicting what it appears the Shimabara Rebellion which was a battle that took place in 1637AD, and to top it off the kabuto has 3 indents from Musket balls. This set has passed certification by the Nihon Katchū Bugu Kenkyū Hozon Kai, Association for the Research and Preservation of Japanese Helmets & Armor


SKU: NH0357 Category:
  1. This item has been just added to our inventory.
Additional Information



dated 1637AD

Special Features

Shimabara Rebellion inscribed inside


Accompanied with New Certificate